El acceso a la salud y la educación, ha sido fundamental para alcanzar metas del ODS 1.
Entre 2015 y 2016 se incorporaron más de 7.000 niños de 0 a 3 años a servicios de educación y cuidados para la primera infancia. En ese período se inauguraron 39 nuevos centros CAIF y se ampliaron 41. Al final de este período de gobierno se habrán incluido 28 mil niños y niñas al sistema educativo. Para 2020 Uruguay será el único país de la región con cobertura universal para la primera infancia.
Access to health and education has been fundamental to achieving SDG 1 goals.
Between 2015 and 2016, more than 7,000 children from 0 to 3 years were included in education and early childhood care services. In this period, 39 new CAIF centers were opened and 41 expanded their services. By the end of its mandate, this Administration, 28000 children will have been included in the education system. By 2020, Uruguay will be the only country in the South American region covering all early childhood needs in this matter.